Tecnifibre Suprem 130 Squash Racket

Tecnifibre Suprem 130

Weight: 130 g

Balance: Even (34.5 cm)

Head size: 466 sq cm

String pattern: 14×18

Power: 8.75 Control: 9.35

Price: £ Check here

The middle racket from the 2014 Suprem series (according to weight). Great control and a bit more power than the Suprem 125. Plus a top quality string again.


5 grams heavier than the Suprem 125, the 130 forms the middle of the 2014 Tecnifibre series of squash rackets focused on control. As the two other models, it has a classical closed head as well, only smaller, and the balance is even (the others are head-heavy).

Players report they really enjoy this racquet – it’s light, with very nice feel and despite the low weight it is stable and solid. They also say the power is slightly better compared to the 125, while it still offers very good control.

Tecnifibre Suprem 130

Image via squashpoint.com

Pierre from Squash Source also compared it to the Dunlop Pro GTS (they are very similar in terms of head size, shape and weight) and wrote that the Dunlop is more suitable for quick flick using your wrist (thanks to its head light balance) while the Tecnifibre encourages you to set up earlier and take a full swing through the ball (also getting more power in the process).

New Tecnifibre Suprem 2014 Squash Rackets Review by PDHSports.com

Compared to others:

  Racket Power & Control Weight Head size Balance String pattern Price
Tecnifibre Suprem 130 Tecnifibre Suprem 130 Power: 8.75 Control: 9.35 130 g 466 sq cm Even (34.5 cm) 14×18 £ Check here
Current lineup:
Tecnifibre Carboflex 125 S Tecnifibre Carboflex 125 S Power: 9.85 Control: 8.65 125 g 500 sq cm Head heavy – Even (35.0 cm) 14×18 $164.95 £ Check here
Tecnifibre Carboflex 130 S Tecnifibre Carboflex 130 S Power: 9.65 Control: 8.75 130 g 500 sq cm Slightly head heavy (35.5 cm) 14×18 £ Check here
Tecnifibre Carboflex 135 S Tecnifibre Carboflex 135 S Power: 9.35 Control: 8.85 135 g 500 sq cm Slightly head heavy (35.5 cm) 14×18 $139.95 £ Check here
Tecnifibre Dynergy AP 125 Tecnifibre Dynergy AP 125 Power: 9.65 Control: 8.65 125 g 490 sq cm Slightly head heavy (35.5 cm) 16×16 £ Check here
Tecnifibre Dynergy AP 130 Tecnifibre Dynergy AP 130 Power: 9.75 Control: 8.5 130 g 490 sq cm Head heavy (37.0 cm) 16×16 £ Check here
Tecnifibre Dynergy AP 135 Tecnifibre Dynergy AP 135 Power: 9.75 Control: 8.5 135 g 490 sq cm Head heavy (37.0 cm) 16×16 $159.99 £ Check here
Tecnifibre Suprem 125 Tecnifibre Suprem 125 Power: 8.65 Control: 9.35 125 g 500 sq cm Head heavy (36.0 mm) 14×18 £ Check here
Tecnifibre Suprem 130 Tecnifibre Suprem 130 Power: 8.75 Control: 9.35 130 g 466 sq cm Even (34.5 cm) 14×18 £ Check here
Tecnifibre Suprem 135 Tecnifibre Suprem 135 Power: 9 Control: 9.15 135 g 500 sq cm Head heavy – Even (35.0 cm) 14×18 £ Check here


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