Weight: 132 g
Balance: Head light
Head size: 500 sq cm
String pattern: 16×19
Price: $ Check here £ Check here
The Ultimate offers an effective combination of control and power, both on a very high level and slightly toward the control. Great feel and also new design of the GTS series.
In 2013, Dunlop introduced the new GTS design tweak and one of the upgraded squash rackets (one year later) was also the Biomimetic Ultimate. All of the racquet’s properties like weight or balance and also the Biomimetic technologies remained the same, only the frame is now a bit slimmer and more streamlined for faster head speed and slightly better playing capabilities.
Also the purpose and idea behind this racket remained unaltered – it still offers that nice balance of control and power, more emphasis being placed on control. It’s also very similar to the Biomimetic Elite GTS (which is more focused on power), the difference is the denser string pattern of the Ultimate.
Image via squashpoint.nl
And good news is that the Ultimate’s awesome feel remained as well – it’s a lot different compared to the Elite for example, players report you can really feel the ball on the strings, what’s happening with it and where it’s going. The racquet is very responsive, gives you a great control in any situation and a good power as well.